Monday, May 09, 2011

Meeting new friends over at

My blog has been stagnant for a while now.

My dSLRs and compact cameras, and lomos have been resting for sometime too.

Not that I haven't been telling stories nor taking photos. But having the iphone and mobile internet just made it easier for me to share over at And I have been making new friends over there too -- those whose work delights and inspires me, and those who like my pictures as well. Its a fun community!

My instagram stats

As always, I take everyday photos. Mostly of Peyton, and some others that I find interesting. I don't post process much except for cropping, filtering and some tilt-shifting... haha, that might sound lot but there are others that really produces art. And I do everything with my iphone coz I am just lazy like that.

Apart from being able to tell my own stories with pictures,  I like knowing about other people's stories too. I follow a lot of really creative people, as well as those who live in places I like to visit -- Paris, London and Japan.

So in case you are in instagram as well, look me up... let's be friends! Would love to see your stories as well. :)

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