Sunday, December 17, 2006

Why we didn't end up doing...

There are some things that we say that we want to do, but we didn't end up doing.

Maybe when we said we wanted to do it, we didn't really think through the effort it would take.

Or maybe we let other things get in the way. We let work, family, friends or other commitments sidetrack us from what we wanted to do.

Or maybe because we just got lazy...

Or changed our minds along the way?

Or something better came along.

Or maybe we just didn't want it enough in the first place. Or not enough to sustain the continous effort required for it.


Anonymous said...

or, more importantly, something significant happened between the 'saying' and the 'doing' that the 'doing' can't reach fruition.

Anonymous said...

seldom do i say with finality what i would commit to do. but when that happens, i MAKE SURE it HAPPENS. it did happen. in some weird fashion - yes. in some awkward time - yes. but it still did...and i still fulfilled it. peace out!