Sunday, February 18, 2007

Moving On...

I am the sort of person who just likes to “move on”. Forget the past! Move forward!

That is why it was only natural for me when I thought of creating a new blog, mainly to symbolize the start of a new chapter in my life. Am married now! I was thinking, no more Pop Thoughts for me – I now have someone to talk to day in and day out, about the little things and the big things in life. ALL my thoughts would then be translated into stories and queries and anecdotes that I get to share with my husband. (Poor Bob!)

Aside from that, I haven’t written anything for a long while now that this blog seems so boring. I don’t want to be associated with a boring blog. So I wanted to start fresh. Start a new one with more focused direction – maybe something that would contain serious, heartfelt writing, rather than just trivial cute stories (yeah right, as if getting married suddenly turned me into a deeper, more sensitive person).

Then I realize that at some point in time, I would tend to get lazy to write or too busy, or still be afraid to really open up. So unless I make a conscious effort to be better at writing, a blog like that would be hard for me to sustain, maybe even harder, for all the same reasons that turned this existing blog into boring.

So I decided… I’m keeping this one. And just start writing again. (AGAIN.) Besides, this blog is one of the very few things that remained constant in my life during the recent years –- this is going on for 3 years now and I haven’t even once changed the template!!! And that is saying a lot given my fickle and impulsive personality.

So I am moving on, but I am bringing my past with me...


Vincenzzo said...

we deeply regret missing your wedding. It must be really something seeing Little Sara all grown up marrying the man of her dreams! I know I promised we'd go but the little guy made us cut our vacation short... Nevertheless, our prayers and well wishes are with you and Bob on your new journey in your life together. You both are wonderful and you deserve all the blessings in life.

- Vincent n Wed

Paul and Ayvih said...

hi sara, just dropping by to see what the new wife is up to! think your blog is boring?? have you seen mine??? hehehe. link kita ha. regards kay bob and enjoy your married life!