Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Next Time You Fall In Love…

(for W,C & T)

Can it be with someone who can make you smile? That can crinkle your small eyes flat into one thin line, make your dimple appear on your right cheek. And can make you laugh, that hearty sound that shakes your entire body and is music to my ears?

Can it be with someone you can talk to about everything under the sun? Someone that you can talk to about food, and football, music and movies. Someone that can make you think, and re-think the values you hold dear, someone who will argue out the stubbornness in you, and someone you’re comfortable to hang out with until wee hours in the morning?

Can it be with someone who can eat?!? Someone not obsessed with diets and calorie counting or harboring secret jealous thoughts against you for eating French fries and burgers when she’s stuck with side salad and carrot sticks?

Can it be with someone who will not make you cry? Who will not cut into your heart by keeping your relationship a secret from the world, and by saying that she is not sure if you’re the right guy for her?

Can it be someone who will pray with you, pray for you? Someone who will randomly whisper to God during the day to take care of you as you travel to faraway places…

Next time you fall in love, can it be with me?


wen said...

Good one... I feel for him...

Anonymous said...

haven't read your blog for a while...

- Vincent