People are always in a hurry. Well, I am always in a hurry. I have become spoilt in Singapore where everywhere is near that even 30 mins for travel time is something I tend to replace with a 10-minute (but 10 times more expensive!) cab ride. I tell myself the extra minutes I save are extra minutes that I get to spend with my daughter. But the truth is, I am just impatient!
BUT travel times have a purpose. Its a small, personal time you can afford to give yourself -- to prepare for the work ahead of you, or to effectively leave work behind as you head home... it can be a time for personal reflection, for thanking small blessings, or even to derive pleasure from people (and bag) watching.
Maybe that's what's wrong with me... I don't give myself small intervals in between to sort things out. Thoughts and emotions are sort of jumbled up inside me that I end up complaining a lot. I think its about time I get back some brooding time for lil' ol me... and the 30-minute commute to and from work is just about right.
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