Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Attack of the Bad Sugar

Friends came over for a visit and brought for me 2 boxes of half-dozen Krispy Kreme honey glazed doughnuts. I was in sugar heaven! However, I can just imagine my insides in turmoil:

My little Peyton had her tiny little fists curled, ready to defend herself against the onslaught of the unknown blob hurling towards her. "Bad sugar! Baaaad sugar!!! Stay away!", she stubbornly cried. However, no sooner than the first blob of sugary sweetness hit her senses, Peyton's defenses weakened and she succumbed to the melts-in-your-mouth goodness of the perfectly reheated honey glazed doughnut.

Sigh, my poor baby. Just like Mommy, she lost the battle even before it began. Oh well, gotta give away the remaining box of half dozen doughnuts before Mommy herself turns into one huge blob!

Wait, I think I just heard my insides grumbled in protest...

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