Monday, April 30, 2007

almost... but NOT quite

I just realized how truly local I've become when, as I was making my way home from work, I saw a girl having the same loose curls as I have now, toting a white bag that was identical to what I was carrying. However, I don't think I'd be matching a brown shirt and white skirt with black open-toed sandals to show off peach polished toe nails.

Is it just me or is there something wrong with how that looked?!? Maybe I am just not as adventurous when it comes to color coordination...


Ryan said...

it's just you

Anonymous said... w/ curly hair now?

white bag, black not unless your name is nicole kidman, who i just seen in bewitched wearing light blue trousers, pink rubber shoes, yellow top inside of a dark blue jacket carrying a big orange bag. colors and she still looks immaculate.